Committee Musings Sept ’24

Anne Megget & Wayne Kennedy with 27 bags of wine bottle screwcaps for Kidney Kids

Membership growth

Anne Megget & Wayne Kennedy with 27 bags of wine bottle screwcaps for Kidney Kids
Anne & Wayne, with 27 bags of screwcaps for Kidney Kids, one of the many things the club does.

We are still focusing on growing our member numbers. If you know someone who would like to come out once a month and taste some really great, different, and sometimes otherwise inaccessible wines, please pass on our flyer to them when you mention us.

View and download the flyer.

Thanks Again

It’s great to have everyone helping set up and take down the tables and chairs for our meeting. Thanks.

Also, please support the committee by returning spittoons, water jugs, and cracker plates to the kitchen.

Looking Ahead

  • October – Peregrine, Central Otago
  • November – Bubbles Evening, tbc
  • December – Christmas Dinner, tbc