Looking Back – Pegasus Bay Wines, Mar ’24

We had Pegasus Bay wines presented to us by Ed Donaldson, Marketing Manager, who was informative and entertaining throughout the evening. Our club ordered 109 bottles from Pegasus.

Some of the information he imparted to us was:

  • Their venture started as a curiosity by Ed’s father, a surgeon 40 years ago.
  • That they have 40ha now planted in vines.
  • Their vines are not grafted from root stock.
  • They used to get grapes for their Main Divide range strictly from other growers/friends, this has now changed as they planted vines in 2008 to cover half this load.
  • There is seven family members involved in the day to day running of the business.
  • They export half of the wine they make to approx. 20 countries, including the UK, Belgium, Holland and Australia.
  • They will be 40 years old next year.

As a reminder of the wines we tasted during the evening:

Pegasus Bay, Waipara Valley w/ Ed Donaldson ‘Mar 24

Wednesday 13 March, 8 pm
Door Price: Members $16 / Guests $20

The Family, mmersed in the wine industry since the early 1970s and were pioneers of local grape growing and wine making.
The Family, mmersed in the wine industry since the early 1970s and were pioneers of local grape growing and wine making.

The Donaldson family have been seriously involved in wine since the early 1970’s and were pioneers of local grape growing and wine making.

Associate Professor and Consultant Neurologist, Ivan Donaldson, first became interested in wine when his girlfriend at the time, Christine, gave him a book simply called ‘Wine’, penned by English industry legend, Hugh Johnson.

After travelling to explore the wine regions of Europe, Ivan return home to plant one of the first vineyards of modern times in Canterbury, and to marry Christine, who has been an integral part of the Pegasus Bay story.

The first vineyard was a hobby with Ivan making wine in the garage at home on the weekends. In-between seeing patients at his private practice in the evening and after his shifts at the public hospital. He also started writing a wine column in the local newspaper and was a judge in numerous wine shows around the globe.

By the mid-1980s Ivan and Chris had decided there was definitely a future for wine making in Canterbury. They went on to plant Pegasus Bay with the help of their four sons, who have all ended up working in key role within the business.

Ed will be presenting a selection of wines from their premium Pegasus Bay label as well as some from their Main Divide collection:

  • Main Divide Rosé 2023
  • Pegasus Bay 2021 Sauvignon Blanc
  • Pegasus Bay 2020 Chardonnay
  • Pegasus Bay 2023 Bel Canto ‘Dry Riesling’
  • Main Divide 2021 Te Hau Pinot Noir
  • Pegasus Bay 2020 Merlot Cabernet
  • Pegasus Bay 2021 Finale ‘Noble Semillon Sauvignon Blanc

Top Drops under $25 – April 2019

Presenter: Joelle Thomson – Writer, author, etc

Our April tasting was a great success and certainly slightly different from other tastings, given the perspective of our presenter and her knowledge of wines in the current market.

Having someone of Joelle’s experience was certainly a coup for the club and we would like to acknowledge Regional Wines contribution in making this event happen.

The committee will be approaching Regional to see if we can re-establish some permanent benefits for club members and we will advise further if and when this is finalised.

As for the wines themselves, I have already said earlier that I really enjoyed the Montepulciano. But given the number and cross-section of orders that Joelle took away with her, it’s clear that all the wines were greatly appreciated.

Thank you, Joelle, for a very interesting tasting. Hopefully, we can arrange another tasting sometime in the future.

Wines tasted:

  • 2009 Forrest The Valleys Riesling
  • Valformosa Cava Classic Brut NV
  • 2015 Main Divide Waipara Riesling
  • 2015 Ulisse Montepulciano, Italy
  • 2015 Crater Rim Waipara Pinot Noir
  • 2016 Alary Gerbaude Cotes du Rhone
  • 2017 San Marzano Il Pumo Primitivo