Latest updates
We hope all members are coming out of the hibernation that was COVID19 lockdown levels 4-3 and are looking forward to some normality re-energising their lives. We are now allowed to meet and lots happening so let me set things out for you. Firstly a major change is planned with Evelyn Dawson taking over the Editorship of your Newsletter. Evelyn has other commitments and will not be joining the committee, we are however, very keen to seek a new member or two into the committee with both Steve and Robin withdrawing. Think about it, please.
Evelyn Dawson (New editor)
![The Minister of Wine and Cheese](
As everyone will realise we have been through strange and challenging times in recent weeks with the Cellar Club being in suspension. As people have sat in isolation and reviewed the meaning of life I have had an epiphany. I want to be the Editor of the Club’s Newsletter. The following are a couple of Club issues we need to deal with.
No mid-year dinner
There will be no July Dinner but instead, the AGM has been deferred until July. See “Looking Forward” for detail. Organising a dinner in the current somewhat fluid “Level” system is just too difficult. We do have planning well in hand for our celebration dinner in November which will be special and should compensate. More later on that.
Wairarapa trip & alternatives
We were all a bit sad that Covid19 meant that the planned Wairarapa trip in March could not proceed. We have been looking at alternatives and we are currently working on a deferment until February 2021. We will continue to work on this alternative and will keep you all informed.
Robin (retiring editor)
![Robin, Pat and grandkids. 2015](
You will note that I am relinquishing my role as your Newsletter Editor. I am also looking to stand down as a committee member and would love it if someone else would put up their hand for a turn. I have always believed that a little “churn” in committee membership allows for the introduction of variety and new ideas. I have been on the committee for 20 years and Editor for 9. Time for a change. I will continue to be a member of the club. Far too much good wine yet to be tasted to give up that privilege.
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the committee and very much appreciate the support I have received over the years. Best wishes for the continued success of the Club.